News (61)
PEN new publication
A PEN article on stakeholder views on taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages and its adoption in the Netherlands is online!
An increasing number of governments worldwide have introduced a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) for public health. However, the adoption of such a policy is still debated in many other countries, such as in the Netherlands. For this paper, the author team investigated Dutch stakeholder views on taxation of SSB and perceived barriers and facilitators to its adoption in the Netherlands.
World Café: let’s talk about childhood obesity
Joint activity of four European projects STOP, CO-CREATE, JA Best-ReMaP and PEN addressing the global childhood obesity epidemic
We’d like to invite to the second webinar of the World Café: let’s talk about childhood obesity, titled “Childhood obesity – what are the root causes of the growing pandemic?” to take place on Tuesday 29 June at 13:00-14:00 CEST. This webinar will showcase preliminary findings from the STOP project's research on prenatal and early life influences on childhood obesity, the epigenetic, metabolic determinants of obesity and more.
World Café: let’s talk about childhood obesity
Joint activity of four European projects STOP, CO-CREATE, JA Best-ReMaP and PEN addressing the global childhood obesity epidemic
We’d like to invite to the first webinar of the joint activity “World Café: let’s talk about childhood obesity”, titled “Improving food and physical activity environments to build a stronger European Health Union” to take place on Tuesday 15 June at 15:00-16:00 CEST, where PEN and JA Best-ReMap will present some of the results.
Meet the PEN Early Careers Network!
The page of the PEN Early Careers Network (PEN-ECN) is now online!
The PEN-ECN is a network of self-defined “early career” researchers and practitioners. The aim of the network is foster the interaction, capacity and growth of early career researchers, practitioners and related professionals in PEN with regards their level of impact on dietary, physical activity and sedentary behaviours at population level.
PEN ECN webinar in June
The PEN Early Careers Network (ECN) invites to its next webinar on Wednesday 9th June at 3:00-4:00 PM CEST!
Thinking health-related behaviours in a climate change context
Dr Guillaume Chevance, Barcelona Institute for Global Health
Climate change, physical activity and sport
Prof Paquito Bernard, Université du Québec à Montréal & University Institute of Mental Health at Montreal
PEN Food-EPI Evidence report for Germany
The Healthy Food Environment Policy Index (Food-EPI): Germany
The Food-EPI is a methodological framework for the systematic collection, analysis and international comparison of policy frameworks that influence nutrition at the population level.
PEN new publication
A PEN methodology article on the selection of key indicators for EU policy monitoring and surveillance for dietary behaviour, PA and SB is available online!
Considering the importance to evaluate policy impact on health behaviour in Europe, this paper describes the selection process to prioritise a set of established and relevant Indicators for diet and physical activity at the individual, the setting and the population level and its results. These Indicators can be assessed in European surveillance systems. Many of these indicators are already available in such systems.
PEN new publication
A PEN systematic scoping review on simulation modeling for the economic evaluation of population-based dietary policies is now published!
In this paper PEN collaborators from the Helmholtz Zentrum München and the LMU Munich review simulation modeling methods for the evaluation of population-level dietary policies. Simulation methods are useful to estimate the long-term health and economic impacts of dietary policies, compare different policy options and therefore inform stakeholders. The review gives an overview of diverse applications of simulation models evaluating often discussed dietary policies such as taxation of sugar-sweetened beverages and reformulation of processed foods to reduce salt intake. A specific emphasis was put on the structural assumptions of the applied modeling methods, an assessment of their methodological limitations and contextual aspects.
PEN ECN webinar in April
The PEN Early Careers Network (ECN) invites to its next webinar on Friday 23rd April at 11:00-12:00 CEST in collaboration with the H2020 project CO-CREATE
Policy analysis with a systems science lens
Talk1: PEN - A literature-based causal loop diagram of dietary intake and an evaluation of the Eu-School F&V Scheme using a System Dynamics Approach
Speakers: Dr Alexia Sawyer (Amsterdam UMC) and MahshidZolfaghari (University of Oslo)
Talk2: CO-CREATE - Using System Dynamics Modelling to simulate prevention policies to tackle overweight and obesity among adolescents
Speakers: Anaely Aguiar Rodriguez (University of Bergen) and Eduard Romanenko (University of Oslo)
PEN ECN webinar at JPI-HDHL conference
The PEN Early Careers Network (ECN) invites to its next webinar on Wednesday 21st April at 15:15-16:30 CEST
PEN-ECN - Building a sustainable network of Early Career Researchers in the online era
PEN ECN webinar - Recording is available
We thank everybody for the attendance at the PEN Early Careers Network (ECN) webinar on Wed. 24th March:
National physical activity and sedentary behaviour policies in 76 countries - Dr Bojana Klepac, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
Advocacy for the ISPAH's Eight Investments That Work for Physical Activity - Matthew 'Tepi' Mclaughlin, University of Newcastle, Australia
The recording to this webinar is available HERE
PEN EU Food-EPI report
How can EU-level policies be improved to create healthier food environments in the EU?
Overweight, obesity and diet-related non-communicable diseases are major public health challenges in the European Union (EU), caused by changes in dietary and physical activity patterns. Current food environments (e.g. easy availability of energy-dense, fat- and sugar-rich, and ultra-processed foods) are an important factor contributing to this public health problem. Governmental policies have the potential to improve these food environments, making a healthy choice easier.
Save-the-date: PEN webinar on approaches to the evaluation of nutrition policies
The PEN work package on Estimation and simulation of policy impact (WP3) organizes a webinar on:
Approaches to the evaluation of nutrition policies: state of the art, challenges and new directions
on March 25–26, 2021
PEN ECN webinar in March
The PEN Early Careers Network (ECN) invites to its next webinar on Wednesday 24th March at 10:00-11:00 CET
National physical activity and sedentary behaviour policies in 76 countries - Dr Bojana Klepac, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia)
Advocacy for the ISPAH's Eight Investments That Work for Physical Activity - Matthew 'Tepi' Mclaughlin, University of Newcastle, Australia