PEN aims to evaluate policy measures to promote a healthy diet and physical activity for the population in terms of content, implementation and effectiveness of policies. In PEN they use the ToC-approach to identify key implementation processes, facilitators and barriers together in the discussion with stakeholders. The ToC-approach attempts to overcome the gaps between research, practice and among stakeholders from different settings. Therefore, PEN put into action ToC-workshops in which stakeholders pursuing the same goal can discuss together in a supportive environment. During the ToC-workshops key factors of policy implementation as well as barriers and facilitators can be examined and are depicted in so-called ToC-maps. Following the workshops continuous feedback combined with subsequent meetings leads to stakeholders engagement over a long-term period. An iterative process can be established to monitor and guide the implementation of policies in a chosen area of interest.
See the full vlog at the JPI-HDHL website here.
Are you interested in knowing more about the ToC approach and participating in one of their workshops on 18th August 2020? Please find the invitation here.